Hatch is the exciting sequel to Bloom. In Bloom, the earth is overrun by alien plants that kill humans. Three teens, Anaya, Petra, and Seth, are discovered to be alien hybrids that are immune to the plants and their pollen. Hatch begins with another rain, but this one deposits alien insect varieties. Meanwhile, the teens are taken to a secure bunker where there are other alien hybrid kids. At the bunker, they are being studied and experimented on by the evil Dr. Ritter. There are three types of hybrids- land, water, and air. Their bodies are changing and they are discovering their powers.
Without giving too much away, there is animosity between the hybrid types and a possibility that a civil war is going on between the aliens on their own planet. The hybrids join the fight against alien insects. I read an electronic ARC on NetGalley and the ending totally cuts off and leaves the reader hanging for the third book--I can’t wait for it!
5 Stars
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